One day, all the aunties were at my home and were around the computer, they asked me if i had a restaurant city acount, but i said no. Ever since mummy had a restaurant city acount, I was begging her for one and she said yes. I dashed to the computer, went in to my facebook and searched for the game restaurant city. But, when I was about to go play the game, they didn't allow me. I was very upset that I told mummy. Mummy said, "I think It's because It is at the beta stage." Months past and I tried again and again but they still didn't let me in the game.
Then one day, my aunties arrived and saw me on facebook and said," Why don't you try again?" I tried again and suddenly, something happen, I toatally had a restaurant city acount. Then I tried going on pet society and It also worked! I was so happy that when Big Sister came home from tkd training, I told her that I had a restaurant city and pet society acount. Big Sister was so shocked that she immediately went to her facebook acount and the same thing happened!
I played and played for such long hours, that I always forget to learn my dictation and get punished that I can't play for the weekends. So I tried to not play for so long. It is like restaurant city is hypnotizing me to play for long hours.